Mick and Joe
OK, so, I took the summer off! Seriously! I have not had a camera since March and pretty much my life had been hectic since then! So, who the hell wants to just read words, everyone wants pictures!! I am not the funny blogger, so I spared you all the complaining and missing I do!!
After 5 months of going through probate, we finally got our house!! We closed on June 18th and painted and moved all our stuff into the garage were, some stuff still is. So, it took us about a week to clean and paint.
My parents and I and Jett, were due to go to TX, head down to SA, up to Austin, and then Dallas after the 4th of July, but Mick broke her foot, running out the garage door to play cards! After the fall, my dad made my mom a ramp, because the step out of the garge door is somewhat high for her, so he made a ramp with a Laredo rail. Now, I have pictures on my phone, but I donot know how to get them off, so just imagine, a the back of a wooden chair as the rail for my mom to hold. I swear my dad thought she was 3 foot tall? Well, Jett loved it, so they kept it on, but this weekend when I got home, it was taken down! I was disappointed! Anyhoot, there went my vacation!! Instead, I had to take care of Mick for a whole 2weeks! Mick was OK, she could still complain!! Joe, would have rather came out of retirement to go back to work than to take care of stuborn Mick and her complaints!!
So, I finally just did not give anyone a heads up and I decided to make the trip, I gave Donnie a three day notice and Jett and I were jetting off on July 18th, I told Mick and Joe two days before and they were worried about me driving by myself with Jett to Dallas. So, they told me on Thursday night that they were going with!
We made good timing on Friday, being that I had a toddler and two geriatrics! We left at 5:30am, Mick and Joe passed out, and me and Jett wide awake, I thought they were supposed to be helping me with Jett??? Anyways, we stopped for breakfast in Tulsa and after that Jett passed out for an hour. We made it in 8 hrs, 2hrs for stopping and eating!
The whole time we were there, Jett and I were on the go seeing people, if we did not get to you, sorry, we will be down again, real soon!!
Jett loved the fast life, he was a trooper! We would take off around 10am ish and be gone all day till 10pmish and he loved going fast in the traffic!! I asked him if he wanted to move back, he smiled!! I got to see my beloved friends!! Had some great laughs, good drinks and great food!!
We stayed till the next friday and on our way home, Jett started throwing up! This is when I really needed Mick and Joe!! Oh man, he would not stop! On the way home, it took us 9 and a half hours and Jett puked 5 times!! Through the night, he threw up once! I forgot to mention that, while I was in Dallas, Donnie had contracted staph infection on an open cut on the bottom of his foot, so when I got home, I was not about to go into my staph infected house with out disinfecting it first! So we stayed at Mick and Joe's. So, on Saturday morning, while Jett slept, I went to the house to start cleaning, I had a headache, went back to mick and joe's and I started dry heaving, so now I had the crap! I only dry heaved, but had diarreah and by the end of the day, I was rid of it!! It was crazy!
So, now we are one week into our house again!! I still have tons of crap in the garage and just not enough time in the world to get it all sorted through and put up or thrown away. I just have this week before school starts!
This past weekend, my home grown amigos and I had a girls weekend in KC. We had a fabulous time! It was hot! I think we walked a marathon around the Plaza and the two resturants that we stopped at, their AC was OUT!! Mandy whom is 8months prego was like, I am sorry for being a bitch, but we have to go!! I was like, I ain't prego and I am very hot!!
Anyways, we had a great time!! I did purchase one of those 60minute video camera Flip Video things. I had taped some already and had did something wrong and erased the videos, so here is some of the house and a little of the Jett. Here are some pics of Dallas!