baby growth

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Playing Possum

I know that i have not been doing so well in keeping up this blog, yes, I have heard responses for this, Mrs. Choat, or should I say one response. I had been in KC watching my nieces play in the National 10 and under World Series, I thought I was going there for a little RR but we played early in the morning Tuesday thru Friday. I had a great time seeing my girls play and were very proud of them. I had thought that I would be able to get to this blog, but did not.
Here are my baby updates.
A couple of weeks ago, I had a doctor's appointment. Everything was going well until my doctor wanted to hear the baby's heart beat. Well, she could not find it. So, she brought in the sonogram machine, could not find the baby. At this point I was worried. Next, she did it vaginally. She saw a mass, but it was not what she wanted to see, it was not looking good. So, I immediatly thought the worse. She sent me to get a second opinion. I had drank 5 bottles of water in 15 minutes and oh my gosh, I had to pee!! Before I had went, my doctor said that the 2nd opinion people were not going to tell me anything and that she would call me, when she got the word.
Well, I finally went in with a full bladder. Yeah, the sonogram machines were monsterous. But low and behold, the sonogram lady said, "I am going to give you a little relief, this looks like a heart beat to me!" So, for a good 30 minutes, I saw this little sucker, that was playing possum, jump around on me like I was a trampoline. I was relieved. They messured me as being 10 and a half weeks instead of 11 and a half. So, as off right now, I will be ending my 12 week at the end of this week.
My new due date will be around February 13th.
By the way, Donnie was at work this day, because independent me that only thinks of herself, made an appointment that he could not make. But we will both be there on August 16th, when we will definitly be able to hear the heart beat and possibly tell the sex of the baby.
So, I ask you, what do you think it is?
And, should I wait till my wedding date to tell everyone?


KarPooh said...

You should have a girl to teach all your wise womanly ways!!! (K)

Unknown said...

I don't know what you will have. I can't say. But, I'm glad all is well with you and the baby. From now on, you better make those appointments so Donnie can be there everytime.