baby growth

Friday, March 02, 2007


Well we have been really busy with paying bills, income taxes, house work, attending to Jett, and company.

Jett is getting bigger and bigger each day. He is now in 0-3 month clothes, but he can fit into some 3 month clothes. I had thought that we were getting into an eating routine but "boom" here comes a growth spurt so, he eats more often. He used to eat 20min and 20min but now he is confusing me!! Sometimes it is just 20, sleep an hour or sometimes 2 and a half, eats 20 and 20. Crazy! He is real gassy. It takes him awhile to burp, but if you lay him flat, he farts a ton.

Jett is pretty strong, he likes lifting his head to check out things and loves to look at my red walls!! So, here are a few pictures of the last couple of weeks!!

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