baby growth

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Well, i do not have any pictures but, Jett got tubes in his ears Monday morning. Yes, I was dreading the wake up hungry in the middle of the night Jett, hoping and praying that he would sleep through the night. First of all, the weather up here was supposed to be really bad and since we had to be in Pittsburg (which is only an hour away) we did not want to risk the chance of getting sleeted in and so Me, Jett and grandpa went and stayed in a motel. Jett had a blast in our little room. We tried to keeping him up and fill his little tummy with food and formula so that he would sleep through the night, but no!!! I think it is just my hungry little man? Around 4am ish he started moving around and of course wanting to eat. He sat up and in the sillouette he seen his bottle. I hurried and grabbed him so that his eyes would not be fixated on it. I woke up grandpa so that he could hold Jett. I snuck all the bottles to the bathroom, dumped them out and put them in the bag. Jett was wimpering like a little puppy. About 30-40min. later, he fell back to sleep. So did my dad, but this time, my dad was snoring...! Ug! So needless to say, I did not get much sleep from 4am-6am. We had to be at the office at 7am and Jett did great on the way there.
They gave him a little gown, which I have a picture on my phone and he was just flirting with the nurses. He is a little casanova!!! I took him in and had him on my lap while the anethsian was going over the procedure to put him to sleep and then within a minute, I laid Jett on the table, Jett cried a few breathes and was out. It was really freaky seeing him on the bed motionless, i do not ever wish to see that again! I hurried out so that they could get busy. I barely got my doctor paper scrubs off and the doctor was already out talking to me!! It took about 10minutes. Jett had lots of fluid and wax, he took that all out.
I got to go into the recovery room. Jett had his eyes closed and was crying, he slowly came out of the anesthsia and did not want anything to do with the nurses that he had previously been gag gaing over. He fully came through and was a happy little boy once again.
He is walking really really good now, and is totally a happier little feller.


Ryann said...

wow, I didn't know he had to get that done. Glad everything worked out!!

Unknown said...

Well, after that wax we candled out of your ear, it doesn't surprise me one bit to hear about Jett's waxiness! haha. I'm glad he is doing better. Who wouldn't want that crud out of their ears?! Looking forward to seeing you guys.

Lena said...

Ro, you are too much! You will love this. We actually did that to Jett, but the mexican way. We had a news paper cupped in a cone and lit the thing on fire. He was a much happier boy until we had to go to emergency a couple of days later. You would have died, watching!!

Mrs. H said...

I can't believe it all went so fast! But there's nothing like seeing your own child in the hospital. I'm with you. Don't like it.
Glad he's on the road to recovery!