baby growth

Saturday, September 23, 2006


We have our computer back!!!! I never thought that I would actually miss being in cyber space. Sorry to keep you all waiting but I have been so busy trying to get out invitations, school, and family. So, I will keep you waiting no longer.

Donnie and I went to the Dr. Trimmer, he was awesome. The whole sonogram was amazing. The doctor really focused on the heart. To see that little thing thumping like crazy was unreal. The baby was rolling around but Trimmer knew exactly where he was going. Trimmer would point out the liver, kidneys, stomach. I could distinct the stomach and intestines but the liver and kidneys, not sure but took his word. I am just glad the baby has a liver!!
It appeared that the baby had long arms and big hands like his dad. The arms were crossing like he was flipping someone off. Onry already!! The feet looked small. The doctor measure the babies head at 19cm. Which meant that the baby was about 11-12 ounce. Which at the time of the appointment, he should have only weighed 8-9. The brain was another really cool thing, you could see the lobes and all!! Incredible! One of my favorite is seeing the spine. It looked like one of those dinosaur bone statues you see in a museum. It was very detailed.
Finally, Doc came to the body parts and if you haven't figured it out, I will say it in a second. First, Donnie was shooting for a girl, but when the Dr. said that basically the baby was well and dowd and his scrotum was growing well, Donnie said, that's my BOY!

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

This is really late, but congrats!! I'm so excited for you guys.