baby growth

Monday, April 20, 2009


Thanks for all the replies. I am glad that I did not have to do the scratching of skin and or taking blood! I would suggest trying this type of alternative medicine first.
Needless to say, I was not sure if Jett was allergic to peanuts because I have just stayed away from them and peanut butter.
We were at a birthday dance, you know us Mexicans, we still party when we are 85! Anyways, I had peanuts on my plate and before I knew it, Jett grabbed one. He had eaten it before I could get it out of his mouth. He started coughing a little, I thought he was getting a little choked up and then he got some red dots around his mouth, and then his eyes were itchy(I could not tell if it was from all of the icing that had transfered from his fingers to his hair). Prior to this, Jett was a dancing maniac. Well, he would not let go of me, so when he told me his tummy hurt, i immediately went home. We got home and I gave him a shot of Benedril and about 5 minutes later he puked.
So, off to Joplin we go again!! I probably will not go till school is out, that is 4 more weeks!! My friend just took her son today, he is 4, and he is allergic to lots of things. Mainly milk, cheese and nuts. Anyways, they had Monica take some air from her house. They told her to vaccum and leave a jar open and then close it and bring it in. Gabe was not allergic to any house particles, but definitley all the other things. He told her that usually if they are allergic to milk, they are allergic to peanuts!! I wish he would have told me that! Watch Austin, Ryann!

More pictures to come!!


Hez said...

How scary!!

Unknown said...

You never cease to amaze me with your stories. Stop the madness. Tell Jett to cool his Jetts.

Mrs. H said...

Wow. Scary. Glad you were on the alert. Good luck with the chiropractor!

Ryann said...

yeah, Austin had peanut butter sandwich and broke out in hives the other day, we are taking him to the allergist next week. These boys are high maintenence that is for sure. :)