baby growth

Friday, September 04, 2009

34 weeks and counting down!!!

My cooch hurts terribly and I am having those braxton hicks contractions. I have to complain, because I never felt these with Jett. I am terribly uncomfortable when I sleep, walk, and sit!!

Luckily, I have this terrible pain with the second and last child!

I am trucking along spending Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in Olathe and Wednesday and Friday in KC. Wednesdays I also go to Pittsburg for class! Jett has been doing great going back and forth between Donnie and I. I believe he actually knows what is going to happen when we bring home his sister. He looks at babies when we are out and about and he says "awww like my sister!" He also prays for her at night which is toooo cute.
I am 34 weeks measuring 34 weeks. I just gained 4 lbs in 2 weeks with a total of 14lbs thus far. Jett came at 37 weeks so, I am thinking she will too!!
I found out last week that the short term disability for my new district is not covering my pregnancy, since it is a pre existing condition,,,I think that it is a crock of S$@^! I am bumbed a bit because when you think you are caught up in money, you fall right back and can not see to get out!!! I will not be able to be with the baby as long as I would have liked! I tried to pay for extra on my old STD but the company would not allow it! Needless to say, I have tried everything and nothing is going the way I would like!!

I can not wait to meet this burrito, she is head down and poking me every minute!!! She sticks her butt up and you can literally see it, it hurts too!!

My new school has pretty good kids, I have not had a bad or stressed out day with them yet, knock on wood, I wonder if I will remember their name when I get back from leave???? LOL


Mrs. H said...

Well CONGRATS! I didn't know you were pregnant and I haven't been keeping up with the blog. Congrats on your new job, too! I'm glad that Jett is adjusting and is looking forward to meeting his little sis. I hear you on the uncomfortableness of pregnancy. Why do they have to hurt so much before they are born!!?

Hez said...

Hang in there you are so close! Those braxton hicks suck!! I remember.

Unknown said...

You crack me up starting a post with cooch. Geesh! When you are bummed about the leave, well, I only stayed home with both of my kids for like 6 weeks. I never wanted to lose $$! heh. It will all work out. Your burrito cometh soon.

Ash said...

Only you can blog about your cooch and make it sound so scientific.

Hey, are you ever going to call me?